Blogging tips

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pacman love

Hoy se casa mi mejor amiga. No podríamos estar más contentos. Él chico afortunado es uno de nuestros mejores amigos... es genial, atento, especial y está completamente enamorado de ella. Son una pareja perfecte y hacen un gran equipo.

El día de su cumpleaños, casi dos meses antes de la boda, nuestro grupo de amigos decidimos organizarles una sorpresa para darles su regalo. Para ganarse el regalo, debían jugar a un juego que nos inventamos: Pacman Love. Les encanta Pacman - para ellos tiene un significado especial.

Monté el tablero con porexpán, lo forré con papel kraft negro y dibujé el circuito en plata. El Sr & Sra Pacman eran galletas y estaban en los extremos opuestos del tablero. Debían avanzar comiendo las monedas (o repartiendolas) y al encontrarse con un fantasma debían realizar una prueba (ya fuera contestar preguntas, competir el uno contra el otro, demostrar su compenetración como pareja)... al final llegaron al centro del tablero donde les esperaba una galleta con forma de corazón.

Cookie Cutters: Pacman & Fantasmas & Circulo & Corazón

Os deseo lo mejor! Os lo mereceis. Y espero que todos vuestros sueños se hagan realidad.

Us estimo

Pacman love forever

Love you

Happy baking!

Today my best friend is getting married. And we couldn't be happier. The lucky man is one of our best friends too... he is amazing, special and completly in love with her. They are the perfect couple and they are a great team together.

On her birthday,  around two months before the wedding, our group of close friends decided to surprise them with their wedding gift. To earn it they had to play a game we invented for them: Pacman Love. They simply love Pacman.

The board was made out of styrofoam, coverd with black paper and drew silver lines that were the "walls" of the game. Mr & Mrs Pacman were made out of cookies and were placed in oposite corners of the board. They had to move forward, eat the coins (or give them out) and when they reached one of the ghosts they had a to perform a test, answer questions, play against one another... in the end they got to the center of the board where a heart shaped cookie awaited for them.

I wish you both the best! You deserve it. And I really hope all your dreams come true.

Cookie Cutters: Pacman & Ghosts & Circle & Heart

Baked with love by Silvia

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