Blogging tips

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mickey Mouse

Para los peques (y no tan peques)... galletas sencillas con forma de Mickey Mouse. Para variarlas un poco, podéis usar extractos o esencias para darles sabores distintos: vainilla, limón, almendras, naranja,... Hay un mundo para descubrir!

El molde tiene una pieza a parte que marca el dibujo de la cara de Mickey. Mi recomendación es cortar la galleta, y sin sacar el molde introducir la pieza para marcar la cara en ese momento. De este modo, siempre queda bien centrado ;)

Cookie cutter: Mickey Mouse

Happy Baking!

For the little ones (or not so little)... cookies shaped like Mickey Mouse. If you want to make them a bit different, you can use different essences and aromas: vanilla, lemon, orange, almond,... There a world of different possibilities.

The cutter has a separate piece to stamp Mickey's face. I recommend to cut the cookie, and while the cutter is still in place, introduce the face stamp and press firmly. That way, they will all have the face in the same place ;)

Cookie Cutter: Mickey Mouse

Baked with love

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